
Year Released: 2021 / 2024 / 2022
Edition Scale: Classic / Venti / Micro
Number Produced: 100 + Artist Copies / 50ish +AC's / 90ish
Status: All editions closed 

Jorts is a complete remaster of my "Levi" stock horse sculpture. I kept him a stallion and updated proportions and muscling while still keeping the charm of the O.G. version. Basically nothing was left un-touched and I topped him off with a new hair do.

Jorts has been released in three scales - Classic, Venti, and Micro. I did not do a Traditional version as I did not want to detract from Levi's value. Jorts names the classic and micro versions but just to mess with you all I named the venti version Chino. Both the classic  and venti scale pieces are solid-cast resin with steel wire reinforcements in his legs with the classic version measuring approximately 5.5" high by 9.25" long and the venti version measuring approx. 3.25" high by 5.5" long. The micro piece is 3D-printed and stands roughly 1.25" tall and has undergone file modification for perfection of details and durability in this impossibly tiny scale. All scales were produced in house. 

All versions were sold in small batches and are now closed.